With 2021 now half over, there’s no time like the present to commit (or recommit) your community or organization to emergency preparedness in the months ahead and into 2022.
For some, that may mean developing or updating a business continuity, emergency operations, or hazard mitigation plan. For others, it may mean conducting that long-overdue planning workshop or tabletop exercise. Either way, there’s plenty of time left this calendar year to start, if not complete, such invaluable preparedness endeavors.
At BOLDplanning, we help public and private sector operations just like yours to develop industry-compliant plans that genuinely work today and tomorrow. And we do so by offering not only the knowledge and experience of our seasoned consultants but also a powerful and proven online planning platform. In fact, it’s the solution of choice for over 10,000 plans nationwide.
The company also offers training and exercise packages that range from facilitating basic desktop exercises to managing complete multi-year projects. Just as important, BOLDplanning’s training approach conforms to all DHS/FEMA guidance, including the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).
So, if you’re looking at the calendar and wondering “Where did the time go?” don’t worry. With BOLDplanning as your partner in preparedness, you’ll be amazed at just how much we can accomplish in a short period of time. Call 615.469.5558 or email info@BOLDplanning to learn more now.