Regardless of where your community is located or your political leanings, the climate change discussion is of interest to emergency managers across the country. Many believe we are seeing impacts that result from a global change in climate, which may include more intense storms, frequent heavy precipitation, extended heatwaves and droughts, extreme flooding, and higher sea levels, among other things. None of which are good for people, critical infrastructure, the local economy, etc.
Consider the recent back-to-back winter storms that recently hit Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, for example. Or the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season, with a record-breaking 30 named tropical storms, including 13 hurricanes (six of which were considered major). Or the fact that drought conditions persist or will develop across more than half the nation, per the U.S. Drought Monitor (February 18, 2021).
All that said, if your community’s hazard mitigation plan does not currently take into account the effects of climate change, it should with the next plan update.
FEMA requires all hazard mitigation plans be updated every five years in order to remain eligible for certain types of pre-disaster funding.
It is important to note, however, that FEMA does not require communities to address climate change, specifically, as a hazard, but rather consider how it plays into other locally identified hazards. This is especially important when calculating the probability of future events.