Like all things 2020, this year has been an unprecedented one for wildfires as well. Millions of acres have burned across the U.S., damaging or completely destroying homes and businesses, displacing residents, and sadly, claiming lives. And, all amidst a global pandemic.

Additionally, these wildfires have severely damaged area landscapes, creating a variety of other problems, including erosion, slope failure, and flash flooding. Fortunately, for fiscal year 2020 (FY2020), FEMA is making up to $50,059,645 available through post-fire mitigation grants for eligible projects in 12 states. These include: 

  • Florida, with 3 fire declarations and $1,889,043 in potential funding
  • Oklahoma, with 3 fire declarations and $1,416,783 in potential funding
  • Colorado, with 3 fire declarations and $1,889,043 in potential funding 
  • Montana, with 5 fire declarations and $2,361,305 in potential funding
  • Utah, with 4 fire declarations and $1,889,044 in potential funding
  • Wyoming, with 2 fire declarations and $944,522 in potential funding
  • Arizona, with 7 fire declarations and $3,305,827 in potential funding
  • California, with 26 fire declarations and $16,371,706 in potential funding
  • Hawaii, with 1 fire declaration and $472,261 in potential funding
  • Nevada, with 5 fire declarations and $3,148,405