Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s not too often that BOLDplanning gets to visit face to face with clients—much less conduct on-site Continuity of Operations (COOP) workshops like usual. So when Oswego County, New York, invited the company to its Office of Emergency Management for two full days last month, BOLDplanning couldn’t wait to get there!

On October 13 and 14, 2020, more than 40 people safely came together to learn more about COOP planning and the platform.  Instruction was provided by BOLDplanning’s Manager of Training and Customer Solutions, Will Minkoff, CBCP. 

The on-site COOP workshop was the first of three in a series to help build a more resilient government for the residents of the County. 

Special thanks to Oswego County’s Office of Emergency Management for hosting the two-day workshop and for making everyone feel safe and welcome while on location. 

We look forward to spending some quality time with you at the next COOP workshop. If all goes as planned, it will take place in January 2021.