If you haven’t heard already, FEMA is now in the process of updating two of its crucial documents for hazard mitigation planning—the State Mitigation Plan Review Guide (March 2015) and the Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide (October 2011). And, the Agency wants to hear from you.

According to FEMA, the State Mitigation Plan Review Guide is its official policy on, and interpretation of, the requirements for State Standard and Enhanced Mitigation Planning found at 44 Code of Federal Regulations Part 201 Mitigation Planning.  The intended use of the State Mitigation Plan Review Guide is to facilitate consistent evaluation and approval of State Mitigation Plans as well as to facilitate State compliance with the mitigation planning requirements when updating plans.

The Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide provides guidance for Federal and State officials responsible for reviewing Local Mitigation Plans in a fair and consistent manner, and to ensure approved Local Mitigation Plans meet the requirements of the Stafford Act and Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §201.6. 

In other words, these comprehensive guides are FEMA’s “official interpretation of the requirements for state and local hazard mitigation plans.” 

Your input could lead to meaningful and long-lasting change to both FEMA and hazard mitigation planners across the country. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your thoughts and feedback on either guidance. Simply email them to fema-mitplan-guide-updates@fema.dhs.gov no later than August