Travel concerns. Remote workers. Fluctuating schedules. These are just a few of the reasons BOLDplanning continues to come up with new (and different) ways to support its clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among those clients is Georgia Primary Care Association (GPCA). It represents all 34 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in the state, which encompasses approximately 225 clinic sites in 120 Georgia counties. 

Knowing that a regular, on-site Continuity of Operations (COOP) workshop was not feasible at this critical time, and that it would be near impossible to bring everyone together for scheduled online sessions, GPCA and BOLDplanning looked for other training alternatives. The two quickly decided on a series of pre-recorded COOP workshop videos that staff could watch at any time and from any location with an internet connection. Plus, they could do so at their own pace, easily pausing, rewinding, or even fast forwarding the material as needed. 

BOLDplanning’s Manager of Training and Customer Solutions, Will Minkoff, CBCP, wasted no time getting to work on the project. In fact, he recorded four video sessions for GPCA just last week. Now in editing (but soon to be added to GPCA’s File Archive within the platform), the videos cover the “people, places, and things” commonly associated with COOP planning,