Even with the COVID-19 pandemic, Tennessee-based BOLDplanning is continuing its work to support clients across the country. That includes facilitating workshops for Continuity of Operations (COOP) and Emergency Operations (EOP) planning through its new online service, BOLDplanning Remote. It also includes conducting virtual planning meetings for Hazard Mitigation.

Earlier this month, Greenwood Village Colorado (April 1, 2020) and Ramsey County, Minnesota (April 8-9, 2020) participated in COOP workshops led by BOLDplanning representatives, James Woulfe, CBCP, PCP, and Will Minkoff, CBCP, respectively. And, Cobb County, Georgia moved forward with its Hazard Mitigation Kick-off Meeting as planned, though virtually, on Friday, April 20, 2020.

Already scheduled for next month (May 2020) is an online COOP workshop for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The workshop is the next in a series; the previous “face-to-face” workshop took place in Harrisburg on March 11 and 12, 2020.

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