BOLDplanning’s Reports Module can be a useful tool for monitoring plan activity and revealing critical gaps, especially as they relate to three key EOP and COOP elements—people, places and things.

In this (and future) blog posts, BOLDplanning will examine the information accessible within the Reports Module, and explain how it can ultimately help your organization resolve certain pre-activation plan issues before they become serious, post-activation plan problems.

People Problems

What good is an EOP or COOP if you can’t connect with the people who are to execute the plan(s) in an emergency or disruption? Exactly. That’s why the platform includes a roll-up “Contacts” report, allowing planners to view (and update) rich content, i.e., emergency contact information, for each and every person whose name is associated with these plans. 

Running this report at regular intervals—every six months at a minimum—and reaching out to all contacts to verify their contact information is crucial to data accuracy and ultimately, successful plan execution.

As a best practice, every person’s contact information should include a work phone number, a home phone number, a work email address, a personal email address (or addresses), a fax number, and their physical address. And, let’s not forget social media accounts (if they choose to provide). Further, it is recommended that every contact’s information include additional comments, e.g., first aid certifications, the ability to speak a foreign language, certain skill sets, etc., all of which can aid in emergency response and recovery efforts.

With the platform, gone are the days of dust-collecting, paper-based EOP and COOP plans, along with outdated or irrelevant contact information for plan stakeholders. A quick run of the “Contacts” report, which is available as a standard spreadsheet for easy sorting and sharing, and voila! users can verify and, if necessary, update individual contact information so that the plan(s) are ready and, and just as important, actionable, at any given time.

In the next Reports Module blog post, you’ll learn