As difficult as it is to plan for emergencies such as active shooter events, it’s just as important (and oftentimes more challenging) to contend with the aftermath. This is especially true when facilities must shut down, or relocate, for extended periods of time, and Continuity of Operations (COOP) or Continuity of Government (COG) plans come into play. Take the recent and very tragic mass shooting in Virginia Beach, Virginia, for example.

The incident took place at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center, a complex of more than 30 buildings, where government workers and local residents constantly come and go, and hundreds if not thousands of important transactions take place every weekday. In a matter of minutes, the facility went from a workplace serving the needs of local citizens to one functioning in full emergency operations mode. Flagged as a crime scene, employees were sent home and the doors closed.

On Monday, June 3, 2019, the complex re-opened. That is, with the exception of the Public Utilities Department where the incident occurred. It remains shut down until further notice.

Unfortunate situations like the Virginia Beach shooting remind us all of the need for organizations to think worst-case and plan ahead. That means having 1) an actionable Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), which outline