On May 29, 2019, FEMA (through its National Mitigation Planning Program) announced the availability of the Tribal Mitigation Planning Handbook. The Tribal Handbook is a companion to the Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide, which went effective on December 5, 2018. The Tribal Handbook builds upon the official regulations provided in the Tribal Guide, offering practical approaches and advice for tribal governments as they develop their hazard mitigation plans.

As explained by FEMA, the Tribal Handbook (available for download at: https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/179207) is organized around the seven recommended steps for developing a Tribal mitigation plan. It begins with an overview of the planning process, then reviews each step of the process in more detail. Finally, the Tribal Handbook provides considerations for how to implement the mitigation plan, advance mitigation activities, and incorporate risk reduction into other tribal plans and programs. Appendices with resources and worksheets are also included.

The Tribal Handbook also uses a fictional tribal government and planning area, the Roaring River Indian Community, to illustrate approaches for developing the plan and the connections between the steps in the process.

If you’re involved in tribal government and are looking to create (or update) your tribe’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, BOLDplanning can help. The company, which has facilitated the development of more than 10,000 organizational plans (hazard mitigation, continuity of operations, emergency operations, etc.), is well-versed in the process, and knows what it takes to obtain FEMA approval (often on the first review!). Call 615.469.5558, or email i