Hazard mitigation planning is a necessary, but painstaking process. There’s extensive research and risk assessments to be done, stakeholder meetings to be facilitated, HAZUS®-MH maps to be run, and copious amounts of information to be shared. Plus, in order to remain eligible for certain mitigation grants from FEMA, you have to go through the process of updating your plan every five years.

The Hazard Mitigation Plan Module within the BOLDplanning platform can help ease this burden. It can even use the data from within your organization’s other BOLDplanning plans, i.e., Continuity of Operations/Government (COOP/COG) and Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), and vice versa, to further streamline and speed the planning process. How so?

HMP Module Functionality

  • The BOLDplanning Hazard Mitigation Plan Module allows for enhanced information sharing, including Geographic Information System (GIS) files, and hazard/risk profiles.
  • Stakeholders have the ability to provide direct input into the BOLDplanning platform, not only making them part of the entire planning process, but also moving things along considerably faster.
  • The Planning Process dashboard allows stakeholders to login and quickly see the status of completed items and scheduled tasks in the planning initiative. The BOLDplanning platform will also automatically email stakeholders ahead of important deadlines, meetings, helping keep the planning effort on track.

Use of the HMP Module