BOLDplanning just conducted a series of four Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) development workshops over two days in Calhoun County, Michigan. Interestingly, it’s the site of the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center and the epicenter of federal Continuity of Government (COG)/COOP planning at the dawn of the nuclear age and throughout the Cold War. Calhoun County has chosen BOLDplanning to facilitate the completion of departmental COOPs, a project that they have found to be difficult to push past the finish line.

Our unique method of facilitating on-site plan development workshops using BOLDplanning’s online COOP planning tool, along with Plan Reviews by Certified Business Continuity Planners (CBCPs) and one-on-one Plan Finalization Workshops, ensures that planners are engaged and active in building their department’s plan. And just as important, driven to see its completion (and cr