If there’s one organization in the world that understands emergency preparedness and response, along with the importance of training and certifications, it’s the American Red Cross. For more than a century, the American Red Cross has provided lifesaving services and programs to hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. and abroad. And every year since a presidential declaration in 1943, our nation has recognized March as American Red Cross Month. March 28th is Giving Day, but you don’t have to wait until then to support the organization’s incredible work in the following five service areas:

  • Disaster Relief – The American Red Cross responds to an emergency every eight minutes.
  • Lifesaving Blood – Your charitable contributions help save lives every day – 365 days per year.
  • Training and Certification – The American Red Cross has been the  “go-to” source of emergency and safety Training for more than 100 years.
  • Military Families – The Red Cross has served more than one million military families since 9/11.
  • International Services – Millions of volunteers across the globe work to help save lives in some of the world’s most at-risk communities.

As impressive as these numbers are, it